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How to Enable/Disable Invoice and Proposal Auto Approval

This article will walk customer users through how to enable and disable the auto approval feature for invoices and proposals.

Bhadz Bartolome avatar
Written by Bhadz Bartolome
Updated over 4 months ago

Ecotrak has enhanced the invoice and proposal approval functionality within the Ecotrak system by giving customers the ability to enable the automatic approval of any invoices and proposals that are under a specified total amount (set by the customer). The following article will walk customer users through the process of enabling and disabling this new feature.


Before a user can enable or disable this feature, they will need to have the correct approval workflow role assigned to them. If you are unable to access the approval workflow, and believe you should be able to, you will want to reach out to your account administrator or Ecotrak Customer Experience Specialist to update your role settings. Click here to learn how to update user roles and permissions.

1) Navigating to the Approval Workflow Module

The first step in enabling or disabling the auto approval setting is to navigate to the approval workflow module by clicking on the Configuration button in the left menu bar, and then clicking on Approval Workflow.

Once you have navigated to the Approval Workflow module, choose the Approval Workflow you wish to edit.

2) Editing the Approval Workflow

After choosing the Approval Workflow you wish to edit, a window will pop out from the right hand side showing your selected Approval Workflow Details. To review the current invoice and proposal Approval Configuration for this Approval Workflow Details, click on the Approval Configuration tab.

On this page, at the top of the window, you will see the Auto Approval Limit setting, and its current state — Enabled or Disabled.

3) Changing the Auto-Approval Limit Setting

To edit your current Auto-Approval Limit setting, click the Pencil Edit button at the top right of the window and choose to either Enable, or Disable the setting. If you are enabling the setting, you will want to set the Auto Approval Limit dollar amount.

REMEMBER: If the Auto-Approval Limit is turned on, then any invoice or proposal under the set dollar amount will be auto approved.

Once done, click the Save button at the bottom of the window.

Note: The Auto Approval Limit edit process is the same for both Invoices and Proposals

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