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Navigating the Customer Proposal Module
Bhadz Bartolome avatar
Written by Bhadz Bartolome
Updated over a month ago

This article will walk you through navigating the new Proposal module in Ecotrak 2.0.

Step 1: After logging in to Ecotrak, you will navigate to the Proposal module by clicking on the Proposal tab found in the "Menu Bar" on the left side of the webpage.

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Step 2: Once in the Proposal module, you will see a list of all Proposals along with the work order and location related details for each Proposal

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Step 3: At the top of the Proposal window, you will see various drop down search filters to help you find the proposal(s) you are looking for. They are:

  • Created Date / Approved Date

  • Date Range

  • Category

  • Status

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You will also see the Download button, Search bar and Search button, and the New Filter button.

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  • The Download button will provide you with a downloaded list of Proposals

  • The New Filter button allows you to create and save a customized filter. For more information on how to create a custom filter, click here:

As well, you will see the Assigned to Me toggle switch. This switch toggles your view between seeing proposals assigned to you to seeing all proposals available to your view.

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Step 4: At the bottom of the Proposal window, you will see the ability to change the amount of rows shown per page.

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Step 5: To open up a Proposal, you will click on the Proposal ID. Doing so will open up the Proposal Details.

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Step 6: Once you click the Proposal ID, you will see the Proposal Details. In this screen, you will find all the information related to the Proposal. At the top, you will find the information related to the: Proposal Status, Proposal Title, Location, Asset, assigned Service Provider, Proposal Amount, Proposal ID, & Category. You will also find the action buttons; Approve, Reject, Closed, and the Add Comment action button.

Step 7: Beneath the initial proposal details, you will find the remaining Approval History, User/s the proposal is Assigned to, Asset Type, NTE, Problem, Trade Type, Location. This also show the Service Level Agreements from the Rate and Terms tab.

Step 8: On the top right side of the Proposal Details page, you will see the follow links: Work Order, Asset, and Location. You will also see the Edit button (the pencil), and the Return button (the arrow pointing left).

Step 9: At the top of the page, you will see the following four tabs: Details, Attachments, Comments, & Activity. The Details tab will show you the Proposal Details. The Attachments tab will show you all attachments and allow to you upload a new attachment. The Comments will show you all comments (messages between customers and service providers) on this proposal. The Activity tab will show you a history of all activity taken on this proposal.

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