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Creating a Proposal
Bhadz Bartolome avatar
Written by Bhadz Bartolome
Updated today

This article will walk you through how to Create a Proposal in Ecotrak.

Proposals allow service providers the ability to provide customers with price quotes on completed or suggested work. Within Ecotrak, there are two different ways to create a proposal. One can either create a general Proposal that is linked to a work order, or one can create a Stand Alone Proposal for a service.

General Proposals are most often used to raise the NTE on a work order, whereas Stand Alone Proposals are often used as a way to invoice customers for service completed without a work order.

How to Create a Proposal for a Work Order

  • Click on Work Orders tab.

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  • Locate the Work Order that you wish to create a proposal for and open up the Work Order details by clicking on the Work Order ID number.

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  • Use the 'Add Proposal' tab located on the left hand side of the screen to create a new proposal.​

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  • FIll out the Proposal information which includes the Proposal Title and Completion Time.

  • The next section would be adding the desired amount for the quoted work. Additionally, amount entered will pull the Service Level Agreement from the Rates and Terms tab.

  • Lastly, you will need to add the Description of Work and also upload the proposal file by either dragging and dropping or by searching for it on your device.

  • Once the proposal information have been finalized, you may click on the Save button to create and send the Proposal to the customer for approval.​

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